
Online Fees Payment


(+91) (033) 4603-5857 | (+91) (033) 2530-1971
online fees payment
  • We reach for the stars, We march to our goals, We salute our flag, With our heart and soul. We work, we play, Learn to love and obey, Our teachers, who are also friends. We'll walk different paths, We'll stand tall and proud When our school days come to an end.


    We were, we are, we will be the best! With God by our side, We are proud of our school, we are proud of our school! We are from Nopany High.
  • We cherish our hopes, We live our ideals, We respect our differences, And protect them with zeal.
    So let's stand as one, We're Nopany High! Let's sing as one in unity, From Nopany High Let's pledge once more, Allegiance to school and country.


    We were, we are, we will be the best! With God by our side, We are proud of our school, we are proud of our school! We are from Nopany High.